Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
-St. Teresa of Avila
At St. Mary's Visitation, there is a multitude of ways in which you can become involved. The following is a list of committees that organize every aspect of our parish life. If you would like to become more involved call the parish office or feel free to contact members (see committee member list on sidebar).
Purpose: To coordinate and unify the parish community. It seeks to be the means of achieving full participation of the whole parish in its mission by giving everyone in the parish a voice in encouraging, guiding and directing the various aspects of parish life. Six at-large members are by biblical selection and serve a 3-year term. Any parishioner interested in serving on this council is invited in March to enter the selection process.
Purpose: To assist the pastor in the planning and coordination of the financial matters of the parish. This council consists of six at-large members appointed by the Pastor.
Purpose: Their concern is with the religious education of the parish & school. It is comprised of the Pastor, School Administrator, Director of Religious Education, and six at-large members. At-large members are chosen by biblical selection and serve a 3-year term.
“The catechetical program of St. Mary’s Visitation seeks to provide adults, youth and children with the knowledge, experiences and skills necessary to become faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus. That in keeping with their age, they will assume responsibility as vital members of the parish and be able to participate in the Church’s mission to proclaim, celebrate and serve the coming of God’s reign.”
Our catechetical program includes our school: preschool through grade 6, the parish religious education program: 3 year olds through grade 12 including special needs students, and adult faith formation classes.
Purpose: To foster the communal rites of the parish. This is primarily centered around the Sunday Eucharistic celebration, the Mass. The committee ensures the quality of liturgy, by planning Masses and other worship services with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Membership is open to interested volunteers.
Purpose: Primarily a planning committee, that works closely with the Pastor, parish staff, and the parish. This committee is responsible for the planning, installation, restoration, and the maintenance of all parish facilities. Membership is open to interested volunteers.
Purpose: To assist in providing funds to meet the operating costs of St. Mary’s Visitation School and other formal education programs. It is our desire to keep the cost of catholic education affordable for all. Membership includes: the pastor, school administrator, the pastoral council chairperson, the education commission chairperson, and six at-large members. Each at-large member is chosen by biblical selection and serves a 3-year term
Purpose: To create future funding for the educational programs of St. Mary’s Visitation Parish & School. Established on September 5, 1990. The goal of a $100,000 balance has since been achieved. Annual distributions of interest, along with proceeds from two annual fund- raising events are used for funding educational programs.
Purpose: Serves to meet the needs of our parishioners. Such as: Video of masses for shut-ins, fruit baskets at Christmas and Easter, welcoming new members, music to nursing homes, summer cookie & coffees and giving a helping hand to the needy of our community. Membership is open to interested volunteers.
Purpose: To unite parents and faculty in creating opportunities to enrich the educational, spiritual and social programs. All school parents and staff are members. This is a sub-committee of the Education Commission.
Purpose: To bring the community together and strengthen our relationships with our church family through parish functions. The Altar Society supports the parish with altar supplies and assists with church cleaning. They service the church families by providing funeral luncheons, card parties, the annual feather party, pancake breakfasts, soup supper and the confirmation luncheon. Every lady parishioner is assigned to one of the four circles in which we use to call for donations of food or help with these functions.
Purpose: To help provide various services to the parish community, such as, setting up and breaking down the hall for funeral luncheons, assisting in the cleaning of the church, attending the annual meeting, etc. Every adult male is a member.